Fotosid huvitavast, vaimustavast ja lihtsalt kummalisest

(via Margina Revolution via Spluch)
Sildid: fotod
Vabadusest majanduses, poliitikas, maailmas ja isegi Eesti Vabariigis läbi diskussiooni ja mõttearenduse, paljastades silmakirjalikust ja topeltmoraali.
Sildid: fotod
The most famous innovation prize of this century, the $10m Ansari X Prize, was designed to promote private space flight. The pot went to Mojave Aerospace Ventures in 2004, after the successful flights of SpaceShipOne. And even the Ansari X Prize is dwarfed by a quasi-prize of up to $1.5bn that is about to be offered by five national governments and the Gates Foundation to the developers and suppliers of a more effective vaccine against pneumococcal diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and bronchitis. The prize, called an “advanced market commitment’’ or “advanced purchase commitment’’, takes the form of an agreement to subsidise heavily the first big orders of a successful vaccine. Given that the top companies in the UK’s powerful pharmaceutical industry spent little more than £5bn in 2006 on research and development, a $1.5bn prize should be taken seriously on hard-nosed commercial grounds alone.Esimesena käis uute vaktsiinide leidmiseks auhindade kasutamise idee välja Michael Kremer, kes pani teoreetilise aluse lähemisele 1998. aastal ja hiljem laiendas seda spetsiifilisemalt vaktsiinidele 2000. aastal ilmunud uurimuses. Tänaseks on Kremer'i loomingu põhjal aga käima lükatud ulatuslikud pilootprogrammid, millest Harford ka kirjutab.
The Sidney Awards go to the authors of the best magazine essays, and every year the psychic costs grow worse. The Sidneys have become so prestigious and so life-altering that the winners know that everything they produce hereafter will be anti-climactic. Some crackup — F. Scott Fitzgerald style — others simply endure a long, slow slide from the summit back to obscurity.Nii palju kui ma aru sain koondas Brooks parimad kandidad kahte kolumni (I ja II), kus ta on esseedele ka omapoolse kommentaari andnud. Kuna tegu on päris pikkade kirjutistega, siis tõenäoliselt pakuvad nad eelkõige huvi kannatlikele inimestele, kellele käsitletavad teemad sügavamat huvi pakuvad. Samas on tõesti tegu paljuski parimaga, mida USA ajakirjanikud 2007. aastal pakkusid ja ega need teemadki väga elukauged ole.
Sildid: Brooks, essee, Sidney auhinnad
The good news is that we’re seeing some recent signs of intelligent life at YouTube. The video service hosts an increasing number of intellectually redeemable video collections. And so we figured why not do some heavy lifting and bring a few your way.
The Marvel Zombies series takes place in an alternate world where every hero is infected with a zombifying illness: They crave human flesh and they can't die. The key is that the 'heroes' actually retain their sentience, so they appreciate the horrific nature of their actions, they just can't calm their insatiable hunger for human flesh. The result is a genuinesly subversive orgy of Sadean cruelty, wherein most of the living beings in the universe perish. Good clean fun.
Here are 2007's top 10 showbiz stories in print media and on the Web resulting in the conventional wisdom that it was only a matter of days -- or hours -- before these events would occur.Ei midagi väga dramaatilist, pigem huvitavad täheldused meelalahutustööstuse stabiilsusest ja arengusuundadest.
Sildid: fotod, graafiline romaan, YouTube
Some filmmakers, most notably Werner Herzog, seem to harness the power of chaos. Werner wrote Aguirre in two and a half days, losing 10 pages after someone vomited on his typewriter. He was unable to remember what he had written on those pages, but Aguirre went on to become the top 10 all time favorite of many critics, including Roger Ebert. It’s a slow and boring film, badly written, but I dare you to try and get it out of your mind after watching. It’ll haunt you for the rest of your life.Soovitan lugeda tervet postitust, et mõista kui olulised on vahel õnnelikud õnnetused just filmide kunstilise väärtuse loomisel. CGI (computer generated image) on üha rohkematest filmides mängimas üha olulisemat rolli nagu võib tõdeda iga vähegi suurema eelarvega filmi puhul. Beowulfi edukus tähendab, et ainult CGI-st filmide hulk lähimatel aastatel suureneb.
No wonder people seem to hate the heavy use of CGI as in the new Star Wars trilogy — there’s no room for happy accidents. Everything is planned and executed with precision. It seems you can make a good movie with a plan, but for a great one you need chaos.
Sildid: filmid, Hayek, loomingulisus
Why is a technology which has so much to contribute impeded by regulations that make no sense? Part of the blame lies with the large agrobusinesses. They initially welcomed elaborate regulation to discourage competition from small companies that could not afford the cost. Indeed, they successfully resisted every attempt by advisers in the Reagan administration to regulate each GM crop simply as a new product, rather than by the process by which it was derived, an approach that would have treated GM and conventionally grown crops similarly and made more scientific sense. But the large companies won, and the concentration of agricultural biotechnology in the hands of a few giants, like Monsanto, is the result. Furthermore, although tight regulation was backed by some supporters of GM who believed it would reassure the public, it has had the opposite effect. If governments appear to think it necessary to take extreme precautions, the public will conclude that the technology must be dangerous. A third element has been mistrust of multinationals. This has intensified opposition to GM crops because it is widely felt that companies are the main, if not the only, beneficiaries—and that, since they are responsible for most of the development of the crops, this must be subject to the strictest possible regulation. The inept PR that accompanied Monsanto's introduction of GM crops to Europe was also bitterly criticised by other agrobusinesses.Artiklis on juttu ka ettevaatusprintsiibi laastavast mõjust poliitikute otsustusvõimele. Vabalogis sai ettevaatusprintsiibi riukalikkusest kirjutatud lausa kolm postitust 2005. aasta juulis.
The broader driving force behind the excessive regulation of GM crops, however, is the cult of "back to nature," which has also inspired the propaganda against agricultural biotechnology as a whole. This cult has many manifestations. One is the popularity of organic farming, which is based on the manifestly false principle that artificial chemicals are bad and natural chemicals good. Another is the rising fashion for alternative, non-evidence based medicine. The dogmatic opponents of GM crops in Europe believe that interference with the genetic make-up of plants is essentially a moral issue. It is to be condemned as part of mankind's sinful attempt to control nature, which contributes to global warming, to epidemics of cancer and all the blights of modern life.
How should individuals and societies cope with low-probability events with potentially catastrophic consequences? In this conversation with EconTalk host Russ Roberts, Sunstein discusses the uselessness of the precautionary principle as a guide to behavior and the psychological challenges we all face in coping with uncertain, risky events. He also speculates why we have chosen politically to treat terrorism and global warming so differently.Igal juhul on Prospect'i artikkel kohustuslik lugemine kõigile neile, kes on huvitatud inimeste elujärje parandamisest, kuid tüdinenud rikaste ja silmakirjalike orgaanofetishistide maailmalõpu kuulutamisest.
Sildid: GMO, põllumajandus