Varsti jälle...
Tõenäoliselt enne 9. aprilli lihtsalt ei õnnestus kirjutada, sest võõrad kohad nõuavad tutvumist.
Loodetavasti pärast seda uue jõu ja nõuga.
Vabadusest majanduses, poliitikas, maailmas ja isegi Eesti Vabariigis läbi diskussiooni ja mõttearenduse, paljastades silmakirjalikust ja topeltmoraali.
"The Government Has Collapsed" can have very different meanings. The goal of many emerging parliamentary democracies, I think, is for citizens to be able to say "The government has collapsed. Now, which movie do you want to go see tomorrow?," rather than "The government has collapsed; what street are the tanks coming down?" (or even "The government has collapsed; those 100,000 protesters on the main square did a great job").Tõesti, eestlased pole iseseisvust just kaua nautida saanud, kuid valitsuse vahetused lähevad päris sujuvalt, ilma mingite suuremate intsidentideta - nagu kino. Tundub, et institutsioonid on meil oma hoogu sisse saamas ning mõned vintsutused tulevad ehk pikemas perspektiivis isegi kasuks.
I much hope that the Estonian government's collapse is of the (say) modern Western European variety.
One thing I’d like to see the Estonian government address; when on earth, if ever, they’re going to pay off bonds they issued in 1927 (due 1967) and which went into default in 1940, when the Russians conquered the country.Eeeee, no jah...?...!
It seems odd the government has been able to pay off these bonds (the principal amount is small) for 14 years, but hasn’t done so.
Senior allies of Jacques Chirac, including four former government ministers, are among almost 50 people who go on trial in Paris today accused of involvement in one of the worst corruption scandals in French history.Jaques Chirac naudib küll praegu presidendi immuunsust, kuid nii mõnedki erakonnakaaslased on märkinud, et lugupeetud president on tegelikult kümnetesse miljonitesse eurodesse ulatuva pistiseskandaali südames:
Charged with rigging public works contracts in order to finance the country's major political parties, their testimony threatens to "dynamite" the country's political establishment and heap embarrassment on the French president.
A total of 47 people, including politicians from across the political spectrum, are accused of rigging public works contracts in Paris in exchange for bribes running to tens of millions of pounds. At the heart of the inquiry is a former senior aide to Mr Chirac.
Further evidence of the president's involvement came in accusations by a former property developer and senior RPR official, Jean-Claude Méry, made public in 2000.Kogu afäärile annab aga jumet juurde Prantsusmaa erakondade solidaarsus, väsimatu üksteise toetamine võõra raha jagamisel:
In a videotaped confession, Mr Méry, who died of cancer in 1999, accused Mr Chirac of setting up the covert fundraising system. He said he had helped many companies to win city hall contracts in return for the bribes, usually of around 1.5% to 2% of a contract's value.
Describing how he once handed over a suitcase containing £500,000 to Mr Roussin in Mr Chirac's presence, Mr Méry said that total payments to the RPR reached "£3.5m to £4m every year for more than seven years, all under my direction".
"We worked only on orders from Mr Chirac," Mr Méry added on the hour-long tape.
The system began in amateurish fashion. Companies wishing to secure contracts allegedly either handed over wads of cash to politicians in suitcases or transferred the kickbacks to offshore accounts. Later it was given a veneer of legality - companies allegedly paid an illicit two-percent "levy", duly shared out among the parties, with 1.2 per cent earmarked for the Right and 0.8 per cent for the Left.Veel üks põhjus kahtlustada erinevate maailmavaadetega erakondade "solidaarsust"!
Artiklist I-16Nagu eelnevatest tsitaatidest võib välja lugeda on Euroopa Liidu siseselt suund võetud ühtsele välis- ja julgeolekupoliitikale, mille kujundamises saab Eesti roll olla marginaalne, kuid eks ta seda tegelikult ka ole. Märksa huvitavam ja tõsisemate tagajärgedega on artiklis I-41 märgitu, mis sisuliselt määrab ära ka Eesti sõjalise võimekuse arendamise prioriteetsus.
Ühise välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika küsimustes kuuluvad liidu pädevusse kõik välispoliitika valdkonnad ja kõik liidu julgeolekuga seotud küsimused, kaasa arvatud ühise kaitsepoliitika järkjärguline kujundamine, mis võib viia ühiskaitseni.
Liikmesriigid toetavad aktiivselt ja tingimusteta liidu ühist välis- ja julgeolekupoliitikat lojaalsuse ja vastastikuse solidaarsuse vaimus ning järgivad liidu meetmeid selles valdkonnas. Nad hoiduvad meetmetest, mis oleksid vastuolus liidu huvidega või võiksid kahjustada liidu tulemuslikkust.
Artiklist I-41
3. Liikmesriigid annavad ühise julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika rakendamiseks liidu käsutusse oma tsiviil- ja sõjaväevõimsuse, et aidata kaasa Ministrite Nõukogu määratletud eesmärkide saavutamisele. Liikmesriigid, kes moodustavad üheskoos riikidevahelisi relvajõude, võivad anda kõnealused relvajõud ka ühise julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika käsutusse.
Liikmesriigid kohustuvad oma sõjalist võimekust järk-järgult täiustama. Operatiivvajaduste väljaselgitamiseks, nende vajaduste rahuldamist tagavate meetmete edendamiseks (JS. - minu rõhuasetus), kaitsesektori tööstusliku ja tehnoloogilise baasi tugevdamiseks mõeldud meetmete väljaselgitamisele kaasaaitamiseks ja vajaduse korral rakendamiseks, osalemiseks Euroopa võimekus- ja relvastuspoliitika väljatöötamisel ning nõukogu abistamiseks sõjalise võimekuse täiustamise hindamisel moodustatakse kaitsevõime arendamise, teadusuuringute, hangete ja relvastuse alane agentuur (Euroopa Kaitseagentuur).
. . .
7. Kui üks liikmesriik langeb oma territooriumil relvastatud kallaletungi ohvriks, on teised liikmesriigid kohustatud andma talle abi kõigi nende käsutuses olevate vahenditega kooskõlas ÜRO põhikirja artikliga 51. See ei piira teatud liikmesriikide julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika eripära. Kohustused ja koostöö selles valdkonnas on kooskõlas kohustustega Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioonis, mis jääb selle liikmesriikidele nende kollektiivse kaitse aluseks ja selle rakendamise kohaks.
1) I very, very much want Sachs to be correct. If $150 billion in rich country donations a year is all it takes to eradicate global poverty, that's a fantastic rate of return using either an economic or an ethical calcuator;Tyler Cowen (majandusteadlane) on Time'is ilmunud väljavõtte põhjal Sachsi plaani suhtes samuti valmis välja ütlema enda esialgse arvamuse:
2) I have a hunch that Sachs is not completely correct. Reading papers like this one makes me wonder just how much of Sachs' proposal is built on wishful thinking.
3) What I'm still undecided about is whether the investment is worth it even if Sachs is only, say, 50% correct. Would there be any other way of spending $150 billion a year that reduced extreme poverty by more than that amount?
My take: No way.Washington Post'is on ilmunud ka esimene Sachsi raamatu arvustus majandusteadlase poolt, mis ei ole...kuidas seda nüüd viisakalt öelda...eriti "leebe":
I'll start with two admissions. I have been an admirer of Sachs, and I don't think all foreign aid fails. But $150 billion a year won't get us very far.
Let's say you had ten years' worth of contributions upfront, and invested the whole $1500. You would be very very lucky to reap 10% a year. That is a flow of $150 in yearly living standards. It will buy some fertilizer and mosquito nets but it probably won't up returns above the ten percent level. When the East Asian countries made beneficial social investments they grew at about ten percent per annum and that is a best case scenario.
Then come the traditional problems of foreign aid. Not only is there wastage in aid administration and poor spending patterns, but many essential services simply are not there to be purchased. Infrastructure requires complementary goods -- tractors need roads, and vice versa -- which means that the early stages of growth are slow and cumbersome. Furthermore very poor communities often try to convert their aid into consumption by refusing to perform maintenance on the new capital stock.
"Success in ending the poverty trap," Sachs writes, "will be much easier than it appears." Really? If it's so easy, why haven't five decades of effort gotten the job done? Sachs should redirect some of his outrage at the question of why the previous $2.3 trillion didn't reach the poor so that the next $2.3 trillion does. In fact, ending poverty is not easy at all. In those five decades, poverty researchers have learned a great deal about the complexity of toxic politics, bad history (including exploitative or inept colonialism), ethnic and regional conflicts, elites' manipulation of politics and institutions, official corruption, dysfunctional public services, malevolent police forces and armies, the difficulty of honoring contracts and property rights, unaccountable and excessively bureaucratic donors and many other issues. Sachs, however, sees these factors as relatively unimportant. Indeed, he seems deaf to the babble and bungling of the U.N. agencies he calls upon to run the Big Plan, not to mention other unaccountable and ineffectual aid agencies.Kuna raamat pole veel müügile tulnud on ka enamus kommentaare esialgsed, kuid tõenäoliselt annab raamat kriitikutele pigem laskemoona juurde.

I foolishly speculated that they might have saved billions had they been been willing to build something smaller and wigglier, but since this bridge in fact only cost an amazing €394 million that is flat wrong. And what is more, the entire cost of the bridge was paid by a private company, the same one that built the Eiffel Tower.Brian käis hiljuti viaduktiga ka lähemalt tutvumas ja tema pildid (koos muljetega) võib leida siit. Veel ühe ülilaheda pildi Milleau viaduktist aga siit.
This bridge gives the world perhaps its biggest and juiciest taste so far of just what a huge impact on road transport the era of road pricing, now getting seriously underway, is destined to have. At first, environmentalists favoured road pricing, because they thought it would discourage cars. Alas for vain hopes. Road pricing make it possible for the private sector to build more and more magnificent roads. This bridge could never have been contemplated, let alone built, had the French not long been in the habit of paying to use their fastest roads.
The group walked around Aswan. The markets were full of spices, and Ellena smelled lotus roots; when macerated in water, the root produces a smell halfway between peony and hyacinth. He also found some jasmin sambac, which is full of indoles, molecules that smell overwhelmingly animalic. Feces are rich with indoles, he explained to Gautier and Dubrule, and so are decomposing bodies. It’s feminine, the smell of death. Calvin Klein’s Eternity is a heavily indolic perfume—the name must have been ironic, he joked. But indoles were not their story, either."It’s feminine, the smell of death." - milline pole veel loobunud mõttest kunagi sama originaalselt ja huvitavalt kirjutada.
In Social Security articles, many of you have now adopted the shiny new phrase "personal accounts" to replace the moldy old phrase "private accounts." You've done this despite the fact that conservatives have been quite open about why they're promoting this change: "private accounts" didn't poll well, so they switched to talking about personal accounts.Huvitav, kui palju Eesti poliitikud enda sõnumi semantikaga tegelevad? Kas tegeletakse spetsiifiliselt sõnumi vormimisega või pannakse midagi enam-vähem kirja ja paisatakse avalikkuse ette? Kui olulist rolli mängivad aga ajakirjanikud?
But recently they've started promoting a new switcheroo, and we language mavens get to watch it happen in real time. Here it is: in the past, "carve-out" referred to a private account that was funded by taking money out of current Social Security taxes. "Add-on" referred to an account that was over and above current Social Security and that left existing taxes and benefits alone.
As it happens, Democrats have a long history of saying that although they dislike George Bush's Social Security privatization plans, they'd welcome the idea of add-on accounts, which are sort of like IRAs or 401(k)s. To take advantage of this, the White House has now started referring to their plan as an add-on. "See, personal accounts is an add-on to that which the government is going to pay you," said President Bush recently.
Olles juba kümmekond aastat tegev erinevates ettevõtlusvaldkondades (teenindus, kaubandus, tootmine), julgen väita, et tegutsevad riiklikud ettevõtluse arendamise struktuurifondid (nt EAS) pigem halvendavad ettevõtlusmaastikku, kui tegelevad selle tugevdamisega. Kahju, mida ettevõtlusele põhjustatakse, ületab tunduvalt saadava kasu. Millele tuginen, kui julgen väita vastupidist sellele, mida kinnitavad riigi- ja struktuurifondide endi esindajad?EAS on loomulikult meeletuks bürokraatialoomaks kätte läinud, sest Euroopa Liit just selliseid ümberjagamis mänge toetabki. Üks nendest juhtumitest, kus tahetakse hirmsasti aidata, kuid kõige selle aitamisega põhjustatakse rohkem kahju kui kasu - eriti pikas perspektiivis.
1. Ettevõtjaga manipuleerimine. Kui legaalselt on võimalik saada kellegi teise rahakotist ressursse, siis tõenäoliselt kõik me seda ka ihaldame. Kui nende ressursside saamiseks seatakse mingeid tingimusi, näiteks mingi kindla seadme soetamine või projekti koostamine, siis teeme ka selle ära. Kas me seda ka oluliseks peame, julgen küll kahelda – on see investeering?
Et ressursid on piiratud, siis on vaja teha valikud, mida toota, missuguseid tootmissisendeid kasutada. Sihtotstarbeline toetuste jagamine mõjutab ettevõtjaid muutma oma prioriteete ja tegema muudatusi planeeritud tegevuses, mistõttu sekkub riik oma tegevusega otseselt ettevõtlusse.
2. Konkurentsi moonutamine. Ühe tegevusvaldkonna mõne ettevõtte toetamine halvab paljude teiste sama tegevusvaldkonna ettevõtette konkurentsivõimet. Meenub mõne aasta tagune juhus, kui Eestis loodi uus puusöetootmisega tegelev ettevõte, mille tegevuse alustamiseks kaasati struktuurifondide ressursse. Sel põhjusel kujunes uue ettevõtte toodangu omahind märgatavalt madalamaks kui juba tegutsevatel ettevõtetel.
Näiliselt oli toetuse andmine põhjendatud – loodi ju mõned uued töökohad. Kuid tähelepanuta jäi (uue ettevõtte toetamisega kaasnev) varem tegutsenud ettevõtetete arengu aeglustumine. Osaliselt abirahaga loodud uus ettevõte vähendas varem tegutsenud ettevõtte tulu. Uuel ettevõttel on madalam omahind ja ka madalam müügihind ning sellega vähenesid ka ressursid, mida ettevõte planeeris oma edaspidise majandustegevuse arendamiseks, nt uued töökohad.
3. Toetuse madal efektiivsus – võõrast raha kasutame ebaotstarbekalt, seda nii struktuurifondide administreerimisel kui ka ettevõtluses.
Struktuurifondide administreerimise kulud on suured. Kui lisada neile veel ettevõtluse jaoks kaotsi läinud tööjõud, keda ahvatletakse tööle just ettevõtluskeskkonnast, siis on kulud mitmeid kordi suuremad. Neid suuri kulusid ei saa põhjendada ka Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidest saadavate vahenditega.
Ettevõtluskeskkond on tugevam ja arengujõulisem, kui seda vähem mõjutatakse. Väikese osa ettevõtete abistamine nõrgendab teiste arengut. Ettevõtlusmaastikku võiks võrrelda looduskeskkonnaga, kus tegevusvaldkondadele vastavad erinevad loomaliigid. Kui tahame tugevat populatsiooni, siis ühe looma poputamine ei tee liiki tugevamaks. Nõrka ja väetikest ei tohi tuua metsast koju, et teda üles poputada ning seejärel jälle metsa lasta. Selline loom on määratud hukkumisele. Looma või linnu ühekordne söötmine toob pigem kahju kui kasu, nii on ka ettevõtluse toetamisega.
European federalism is the antithesis to the American definition. Unlike the protections against a domineering central government afforded to the United States through its framework of federalism, the European Union will be made a superstate by its constitution, removing powers from member states and concentrating many of them in Brussels.Taas kord peab tõdema, et pole Eestis midagi kuulnud EL'i põhiseaduse tagajärgedest meie välispoliitikale (Hiina? Kuuba? Venemaa? aga suhted USA'ga?) või meie kaitsepoliitikale (mina eelistaks näiteks NATO't koos USA'ga EL'i ühisele naljanumbrile).
Among other headaches, the EU constitution will create a legal personality, an unelected president, a foreign minister and diplomatic service, a judicial system, recognized external borders, a military capacity and a police force.
Under the EU constitution, member countries will be forbidden from operating an independent foreign policy position. They must "explicitly and unreservedly support the Union's foreign and security policy."
Europe is besieged by the EU's "Yes" campaign, supported by millions of dollars of propaganda advertising. "Yes" propaganda, among other things, is telling Europeans the constitution will create a "United States of Europe," but this is by no means a compliment to America.
Samas lähendas Bushi Euroopa suurriikide juhtidele tema toetus ühtsele tugevale Euroopale, ehk Euroopa Põhiseaduslikule leppele, milles sätestatakse ELi ühine kaitse- ja julgeolekupoliitika koos vastavate rahvusriigiüleste institutsioonidega.Aga üldine "point" on Raigil...täitsa õige: rohkem koostööd USA'ga ja rohkem vabakaubandust.
Al Mashriq reports Ahmed Abdullah, 20 years old, asked the Interior Minister to not hand him over to the Americans after he was arrested when his truck exploded and he was wounded. An investigator asked Ahmed about Osama Bin Laden and he answered that Osama is killing Moslem. Ahmed came to Iraq from Syria. When he arrived in Iraq he met people from the Al Tawilla wa Al Jihad organization. He was then trained by them for two months. Ahmed had $1800 with him but his leaders took it away from him and told him they would give him $100 when he needed money. On the day of the explosion they asked him to drive a truck near an American base and told him that he had to wait for someone there. He added, “When I went there the truck exploded."Heh.
The Saudi foreign minister, who by remarkable coincidence goes by the name of Prince Saud, told Newsweek that women would be voting in the next Saudi election. "That is going to be good for the election," he said, "because I think women are more sensible voters than men."Sama ajal ilmub Eestis - Päevalehes - artikkel, kus mingi türannia vabandaja heietab selle üle, kuidas Iraagi valimised midagi ei tähenda, et meedia ja valitsused lihtsalt petavad ja lollitavad naiivseid masse. Täiesti masendav loogika (kas seda seal üldse oli!), mis ignoreerib tegelikust.
Four-time Egyptian election winner - and with 90 per cent of the vote! - President Mubarak announced that next polling day he wouldn't mind an opponent. Ordering his stenographer to change the constitution to permit the first multi-choice presidential elections in Egyptian history, His Excellency said the country would benefit from "more freedom and democracy". The state-run TV network hailed the president's speech as a "historical decision in the nation's 7,000-year-old march toward democracy". After 7,000 years on the march, they're barely out of the parking lot, so Mubarak's move is, as they say, a step in the right direction.
Meanwhile in Damascus, Boy Assad, having badly overplayed his hand in Lebanon and after months of denying that he was harbouring any refugee Saddamites, suddenly discovered that - wouldja believe it? - Saddam's brother and 29 other bigshot Baghdad Baathists were holed up in north-eastern Syria, and promptly handed them over to the Iraqi government.
And, for perhaps the most remarkable development, consider this report from Mohammed Ballas of Associated Press: "Palestinians expressed anger on Saturday at an overnight suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that killed four Israelis and threatened a fragile truce, a departure from former times when they welcomed attacks on their Israeli foes."
No disrespect to Associated Press, but I was disinclined to take their word for it. However, Charles Johnson, whose Little Green Footballs website has done an invaluable job these past three years presenting the ugly truth about Palestinian death-cultism, reported that he went hunting around the internet for the usual photographs of deliriously happy Gazans dancing in the street and handing out sweets to celebrate the latest addition to the pile of Jew corpses - and, to his surprise, couldn't find any.
Despite expenditures thus far (samast artiklist selgub, et u. $10 miljardit), Canadian emissions of carbon dioxide -- the most abundant of greenhouse gases -- have risen some 30 percent since 1997, when the Kyoto protocol was first agreed upon. Their voluntary plan has proven so ineffective that green pressure groups now demand mandatory energy rationing. The government now plans to spend another $1.4 billion buying carbon credits.Olen ka siin blogis varem käsitlenud Kyoto jaoks tehtavate investeeringute mõju. Kuna raha tuleb kuskilt võtta, siis varsti ei jää Kanada valitsusel muud üle, kui tõsta makse või vähendada muid kulutusi. Kui uskuda Ball'i artiklis kirjutatut, siis tundub, et Kanadas on valikute aeg kätte jõudmas/jõudnud kiiremini kui arvata oskasin:
Eventually, the bill according to some estimates could reach into the tens and even hundreds of billions of dollars.
Environment Canada has failed to achieve targets for reductions in pollutants that have real health effects, in large measure because two thirds of all new spending on the environment in the last budget went to climate change.Huvitav, millal kanadalased USAsse hakkavad põgenema...