esmaspäev, november 15, 2004

Kim Jong HULL ja tema Tralla-Lalla Maa

Põhja-Korea'st rääkides või kirjutades on väga keeruline hoiduda emotsionaalsusest, seda eriti aga Euroopas, mille poliitiline eliit ei suuda ega taha näha probleeme, mis ei ole otseselt seotud nende isiklike huvidega. Õnneks ei ole tavakodanikud päris nii selgrootud kui see isehakanud aristokraat-bürokraatide seltskond, kes proovib enda jätkuvat mõttetust tõestada peamiselt USA tegevuse kritiseerimisega, ise mingeid tõsiselt võetavat alternatiivi pakkumata. Minu USA lembelisus on paljuski tingitud sellest, et ameeriklastel on vähemalt piisavalt selgroogu, et mitte ainult rääkida vabadusest vaid ka midagi ette võtta, tuua seda paljude jaoks nii kauget unistust natukenegi lähemale.

Aga juttu pidi tulema Põhja-Koreast mitte USA välispoliitikast, mida Põhja-Korea puhul piirab liigagi tõenäoline tuumarelva oht, mis sai reaalsuseks paljuski tänu Albrighti (ja mis seal vassida ka Clintoni) naiivsele uskumusele, et Põhja-Korea loobub tuumarelva arendamisest. Räägiti ja sõlmiti "leping", mille Kim Jong vist veel samal õhtul (ühes enda kümnetest paleedest) kaminasse viskas, vaikselt kõkutades Albrighti naiivsuse üle.

Sõjaline rünnak sellele maailma totalitaarseimale riigile on aga välistatud kahel põhjusel (1) USA vägedest on liiga suur osa Iraagis ja ka kõige parema tahtmise juures tuleks veel arvestada Hiina ja Lõuna-Koreaga, mis ei ole aga sõjalisest konfliktist huvitatud, sest (2) rünnak Põhja-Koreale tähendaks Souli täieliku hävitamist nii kahuriväe kui lühimaa rakettide poolt. Kas kasutatakse ka tuumarelva ei oska aga keegi öelda, sest keegi pole päris kindel, mida see hull tutt-pütt päkapikk meeleheitel võib teha.

Põhja-Korea elanike vabaduse lootust hoiavad aga mõned aktivistid visalt elus, nende keskuseks või portaaliks on aga kujunenud, mis koondab ja koordineerib nii uudiseid, aktivistide tegevust kui humanitaar abi, kuid samas avaldab ka selliseid lõike elust Põhja-Koreas nagu:
Once inside the lab they are all stripped naked and checked medically to ensure they’re healthy before putting them in the chambers. When they’re sure they are free of disease they put them inside...

I watched the whole family being tested on suffocating gas and dying in the gas chamber. Parents, one son and a daughter. The parents were vomiting and dying, but till the very last moment they tried to save their kids by doing mouth to mouth breathing. For the first time it hit me that even prisoners are capable of powerful human affection.

Der Spigelis ilmu mõned nädalad tagasi aga artikkel (inglise keeles), milles käsitleti muuhulgas ka Põhja-Korealaste enda initsiatiivi kohalike probleemide lahendamisel:
The protests began on a cold February morning after the public execution of eight men, all managers at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Works. Their crime? In an effort to provide food for the workers and their families, they sold parts of the factory to Chinese businessmen.

Even though many of Songrim's inhabitants were starving at the time, the attempt to circumvent the defunct public supply system to obtain food was considered sabotage and treason. The deal with wealthy comrades from the other side of the border was quickly exposed when Chinese grain freighters were seen openly unloading cargo designated for Songrim at the port of Nampo. When the bodies of the eight functionaries, including two Central Committee members, fell into the dust, a woman in the crowd yelled: "They did not try to enrich themselves, but to help the workers. Shooting them is brutal." The courageous woman was one of the town's most respected citizens. As a nurse working in an elite hospital in Pyongyang, she had even taken care of the country's leaders. But that didn't protect her. Three soldiers grabbed the woman and shot her on the spot. The crowd, deeply fearful and horrified, quickly dispersed. A few hours later, however, the factory's employees stopped working. The peaceful protest was short-lived. The next morning, tanks broke through the factory gates and mowed down the demonstrators. According to eyewitness reports, hundreds lost their lives. Several days later, dozens of suspected agitators were shot, and countless so-called counter-revolutionaries and their families were taken away to labor camps. This was apparently not an isolated incident. Resentment against Kim is deeply entrenched in the population.

Soovitan lugeda vähemalt just mainitud artiklit, et saada pealiskaudnegi ettekujutus sellest, mis selles liigagi Orwellilikus ühiskonnas toimub.