teisipäev, oktoober 02, 2007

Huvitavaid täheldusi teistelt

Compared to most people, economists are very good at hearing what you said - not what you meant to say, or what the listener thinks you meant to say. In normal conversation, people focus on "what side you're taking." The neat thing about economics is that people who agree with your conclusion often heavily criticize your specific arguments.
Arnold Kling sellest, kuidas majandusharidusega inimesed kipuvad argumenteerima ja seisukohti vaatlema. Mind ei huvita poolte valimine vaid lahendused probleemidele, mis tõesti midagi peale "sooja tunde" saavutavad. Kust need lahendused tulevad pole vähemalt minu jaoks eriti oluline.

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