esmaspäev, juuni 12, 2006

Poiss nimega Damien, magnetväljad kui kuues meel ja pearahaküttidest

The Daily Mirror vahendab viimasel teispäeval sündinud lapse lugu, kelle ema on suur Oomen'i fänn ja loomulikult pidas vajalikuks seda ka enda lapse nimes väljendada:
Horror film fan Suzanne Cooper yesterday named her baby Damien after the devil child in the The Omen, who was also born on June 6.

Suzanne went one better than the movie by hitting the full Number of the Beast with the date - 6/6/06.

Special needs teacher Suzanne, 36, was also induced for six days before Damien arrived at 6.59am, tipping the scales at a spine-chilling 6lb 6oz.

She said: "We are overjoyed a bout the baby. The Omen is one of our favourite films and that's why I was keeping my legs crossed for a birth on the 6th.
Maailm on täis kummalisi inimesi.
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Wired'is kirjutab Quinn Norton enda kuuendast meelest ja selle omamise kummalistest tagajärgedest:
What if, seconds before your laptop began stalling, you could feel the hard drive spin up under the load? Or you could tell if an electrical cord was live before you touched it? For the few people who have rare earth magnets implanted in their fingers, these are among the reported effects -- a finger that feels electromagnetic fields along with the normal sense of touch.

It's been described as a buzzing sensation, a tingling, an oscillation, movement, pure stimulation and, in the case of body-modification expert Shannon Larrett's encounter with a too-powerful antitheft gateway at a retail store, "Like sticking your hand in an ultrasonic cleaner."
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According to Huffman, the magnet works by moving very slightly, or with a noticeable oscillation, in response to EM fields. This stimulates the somatosensory receptors in the fingertip, the same nerves that are responsible for perceiving pressure, temperature and pain. Huffman and other recipients found they could locate electric stovetops and motors, and pick out live electrical cables. Appliance cords in the United States give off a 60-Hz field, a sensation with which Huffman has become intimately familiar. "It is a light, rapid buzz," he says.
Quinn kirjutab ka enda magneti kogemusest, nii protseduuri kui tagajärgede näol, kokku päris huvitava loo. Peab tunnistama, et idee iseenesest on atraktiivne ja võiks olla abiks näiteks elektrikutele, kes peavad seina seest kaableid otsima.

Inimene versioon 2.0 on tulemas.
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Ajakiri Hawaii Business on seoses menuka "reality show'ga" avaldanud pikema artikli pearahakütist nimega Dog ja andnud samas artiklis ka hea ülevaate pearahaküttidest tervikuna:
The modern bail-bonding system isn't as punitive as the old days, but it still has some powerful incentives built into it: A bond agent pays the bail of a felony defendant awaiting trial, guaranteeing his or her appearance in court and releasing him or her from jail and, technically, into the agent's custody. In return, the agent charges the defendant a fee of 10 percent of the bail, usually paid in a combination of cash and property. Underwriting the agent's bond is a large insurance company, which charges the agent a portion of the 10-percent fee. If everything goes right, money flows up and down this indemnity chain. However, if the defendant runs, or "skips," as they say in the industry, a chain reaction is set off. The court's bond will always be paid, thanks to the insurance company, but the bond agent faces massive losses if he or she is unable to apprehend the defendant. Enter the loss-prevention agent, the bounty hunter.
Hea ja ülevaatlik artikkel pearahaküttide ajaloost ja selle huvitav äri kasumlikkusest ning ohtudest.